Author: paul

Print products are a sustainable medium, seamlessly integrating advanced printing techniques and resource-conserving processes. By considering print products holistically, their communicative impact is extended and enhanced. This piece explores how intelligent integration of bespoke print ideas and production strategies can elevate the sustainability of print as a communication medium. From conceptualisation to material selection to production, we at Doxzoo are versed in creating environmentally conscious print products, exemplifying why sustainable printing is synonymous with audience-oriented customisation. Foundations of Sustainable Product Design 1. Perfect Timing: Planning is Essential Before succumbing to initial creative brainstorming, establish a realistic timetable. This helps in…

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Paper comes in many different shapes and sizes. The best-known size is of course A4 paper; every office and household has at least one pack of A4 paper. This size is also the most common size for a printer. Now we hear you thinking: ‘What is the exact size of A4 paper, what other sizes and weights (thicknesses) of paper are there, and for what purpose are they used?’ This article will discuss the A4 paper size, the other A paper sizes, and the different paperweights. Dimensions of each A-size paper The international standard for the size of a sheet…

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A scanner and a digital camera work differently. In the scanner, the pixels line up (e.g. 2400 pixels per inch) and the document is read line by line. A digital camera has a rectangular sensor (e.g. 2000×3000 pixels). Optical resolution For example, the flatbed scanner in the photo lab theoretically has an optical resolution of 2400×4800 pixels. In practice, however, this is less. So with this, documents and images (maximum size A4) could be enlarged by a factor of 8. A resolution of 300 dpi (dots/dots per inch) is needed to print a quality photo. 2400 dpi (scanner) divided by…

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Festival and event season is upon us. Chances are you are attending one or perhaps organising one. Organising a festival involves a lot of work, including promotion. And when we think of promotion, we often think of online communication, but don’t forget the physical part! Printed matter in particular, makes you stand out during everyday moments. How about that? Spread the word An old but still effective way of advertising is flyering. This can be done in various ways: sending it by post, handing it out at busy places, or placing it in folder/flyer racks or other frequently visited places.…

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You have probably seen them before, QR codes. They have become increasingly popular in recent years and are the ideal way to connect your offline printed matter to a digital environment such as your website. But what exactly is a QR code? How does it work, and what should you pay attention to when using a QR code on printed material? In this blog, we will tell you all about it! What exactly is a QR code? A QR code is a code that you scan with a mobile phone to go to a specific website or other online environment.…

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Long-term successful marketing is based on knowing the customer’s characteristics, preferences, and needs. But how do you avoid mere speculation? The answer is: through customer analysis. A business strategy without the most accurate knowledge of current and intended target groups quickly becomes a guessing game. Entrepreneurial risk can never be avoided entirely, but strategic marketing is difficult without customer analysis. Focus, image and turnover Motives and paths that lead a prospective customer to your company and keep him as a customer can differ. If you try to satisfy all possible customer groups and interests similarly, you risk getting bogged down:…

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The success of a company also depends on its ability to communicate. A company does not only consist of halls, machines and products but is a cooperation of people to generate turnover. Only the exchange of information, values, wishes and hints between employees and customers makes a company workable. The more attention you pay to the different communication channels, the better you will be able to reach your customers and position yourself in the market. Never before have so many and so different channels been available to you as a B2B company as they are today. Email & Newsletter While…

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Digitalisation in the B2B sector is advancing unhindered. But some stages in sales cannot do without the “human” factor. The sales pitch is one such stage. Across industries, it can provide the central impulse that turns the prospect or customer into a buyer. All sales staff should therefore know exactly the essentials of a successful sales talk. The theoretical knowledge is then turned into practical success. You can put your sales talks on the road to success with the following ten tips. The basic principle of argumentation in a sales talk Even the Greek philosophers and Roman orators were concerned…

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Do you want to successfully present your product, service, or company as an exhibitor? Then a trade fair appearance is still very attractive. By deciding to participate in a trade fair, you have already created an important prerequisite for ensuring the best visibility for yourself. A well-planned and implemented appearance is therefore crucial for success. Don’t make the same mistake as your competitors by drowning in the masses. These top five tips for trade fair exhibitors show you how to make your stand an eye-catcher. 1: Use several marketing measures during the fair Even before the trade fair, you have…

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You’ve found your business idea and fine-tuned your business model – now it’s time to work on your business plan. We’ll tell you how to write a solid business plan and what is particularly important to your bank without too much effort. What is a business plan? Business plan definition: The business plan is a comprehensive and structured presentation of your business idea and describes how you want to turn it into reality. It provides a roadmap for your start-up and future business development. Use and benefits: What is the purpose of a business plan? Your business plan serves several…

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