To self-publish, or not to self-publish? That is the question that faces so many budding authors across all genres in 2022. While traditional publishing can be quite the test of patience, it still offers writers supreme benefits. Self-publishing, on the other hand, offers you so much more control, but it has some drawbacks. In this post, we’ll be taking a closer look at the pros and cons of each method, and how you can go about publishing your manuscript.
The Difference Between Self-Publishing, and Traditional Publishing
There are a huge number of factors that set self-publishing and traditional publishing apart. On the surface though, there is one simple difference between the two. When an author self-publishes their work, they retain ownership of the rights to that work. If the work is traditionally published, these rights are given over to the publishing company.
Of course, there are many differences in the methods used to self-publish as opposed to traditional publishing. Self-publishing requires you to be an author, an editor, and a marketing team all in one, as you won’t have a publisher’s resources to push your book. This means self-publishing is an entirely more hands-on experience, but you retain complete ownership of your work.
What are the Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing?
Technology has had a lasting impact on a range of industries, and publishing is no different. Before the age of information, the only way to get your work out there was through publishing companies. Now, the amateur author has a range of options open to them. As well as full ownership of your work, there are a few other things that self-publishing offers you…
Guaranteed Publishing – Sometimes, the biggest hurdle for new authors is getting published in the first place. We’ve all heard stories of our favourite writers getting rejected time and time again. Self-publishing removes this uncertainty completely and means anyone can be a published author.
Saves a Lot of Time – Publishing is an incredibly long process, and it’s not uncommon for an author to have to wait upwards of 2 years to finally see their book on the shelves of bookstores. Depending on how hard you work, you can have your book completely written from scratch and self-published in less than 6 months.
Complete Creative Freedom – Self-publishing means you’re free from the constraints that might be placed on you by current trends, or a marketing team at a traditional publisher. You can self-publish in any niche, use any marketing techniques, and present whatever cover and artwork you want on your book.
However, self-publishing does have some drawbacks that come with this freedom…
Greater Degree of Risk – Without the backing of a traditional publisher, anything is possible. Unfortunately, this means that you may self-publish your book, and receive a lot less success and profit than you were naturally hoping for.
Takes a Lot of Hard Work – As stated above, total control of your work means you have to play a variety of roles that would usually be done for you by a traditional publisher. You need to make sure your manuscript is perfect, and push the marketing to get your name out there.
Impacts Your Reputation – Anything less than perfection may deter potential readers from your work, and impact your brand as a whole. Not to mention, it may be harder to get traditionally published in future if you have self-published something that wasn’t up to standard. Finally, you can never use the ideas or work that you’ve self-published in other projects that you want to be traditionally published.
What are the Pros and Cons of Traditional Publishing?
Traditional publishing is the dream of just about any writer out there. Nothing reassures you that you’re putting out innovative content like backing from a professional publisher. But, the whole reason self-publishing exists, is because traditional publishing can often be so inaccessible to those without the right connections. However, there’s no denying that traditional publishing offers you some great benefits…
Everything is Covered – If you’re one of the lucky few that get offered the chance to traditionally publish, you won’t have to shell out any money to get your manuscript up to publishing standard. The publishing house will provide you with an editor, and decide how they want to market your book for you.
Unlimited Marketing Potential – Getting your book traditionally published allows you to strengthen your brand as a writer. While the publishers take care of your marketing, you’ll likely be offered the chance to do interviews, and be featured in traditional media publications too. This will help get your name out there, especially as a first-time author.
But, just like self-publishing, there are some downsides to traditional publishing that you should consider…
Takes a Lot of Resilience – There are hundreds of thousands of manuscripts being sent to traditional publishers across the world every day. Only a fraction of these authors will be offered traditional publishing deals. There are a huge number of factors that play into who is chosen, and a lot of them, such as your connections in the industry, are entirely based on privilege rather than talent. Pushing through rejection is the key to getting traditionally published.
Limited Financial Possibilities – Aside from your original advance, you probably will only be able to make a fraction of the profit from actual sales of your book. Oftentimes, this isn’t even available to first-time authors, who are simply given an advance and traditional publishing bragging rights.
No Creative Control – Perhaps the biggest difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing, is that aside from the writing in your original manuscript, you have no creative control of the final product that readers receive. The publishers will choose any imagery associated with your book, and may also choose how they market you as an author.
How Professional Printing Will Help You Get Published…
Whichever route you choose to take to publish your manuscript, enlisting the help of professional printing services will set you apart from your competition (and there’s a lot of it).
If you’re approaching professional publishers, the perfect printed manuscript will show editors that you’re serious about your work. Not to mention, many different publishers will have individual requirements for the formatting of your manuscript, so printing multiple manuscript copies with a professional printer is an affordable and forward-thinking choice.
Alternatively, if you’re self-publishing, you may like the option to provide your readers with a physical copy of your book, as well as an ebook. This is a great choice to maximise profits and present yourself as a professional author. Professional printing services will provide you with high-quality copies of your work, and help you get the best look for your cover images.
What Are You Waiting For?
Whether you opt for traditional publishing or self-publishing, there’s no time like the present. For the full range of services when it comes to manuscript and book printing at Doxzoo.
Or, if you’d like to know more about what we can offer you on your journey to be published, why not contact our expert team, and we’ll be more than happy to provide printed materials that reflect the superlative standard of your work.
Check our self publish book printing service.
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