You have courageously started writing your book. The first words are on paper, there are already a few paragraphs, and the ideas keep coming. How do you ensure that you keep writing and that the process from concept to the final product, the book, is achieved? Read on because designing a book is fun!
Designing a book: The inspiration
You probably know it all too well, a stroke of genius inspiration. They usually come at unexpected moments when you don’t have a notepad to hand. How irritating is that? Using a smart app like Evernote will always have your notepad at hand because it is an app that says it ‘remembers everything’. It’s a program that lets you store notes, images and files on a free piece of cloud storage. You can also attach sound files, photos you took yourself (with your mobile phone) and scanned documents. You can consult or edit the data anytime, anywhere via laptop, tablet and/or smartphone. The basic version of Evernote is free.
A programme for writers who like flexibility. You can arrange text blocks and connect them for later so you are not stuck to a specific structure. This is the perfect program for those who want pure functionality and do not want to spend a lot of time on graphical options. If you have a quick inspiration, write it down in Scapple and export your ideas to Scrivener. A nice extra is that you can make mind maps with this programme. Try the free version.
Designing a book: Saving your files
Why is this useful for a writer? Because we have all experienced technical failure. Every writer’s nightmare: a computer that crashes without you having a backup. All the work has been for nothing. Dropbox is an online storage service that saves your texts in the cloud. If you constantly synchronise your local files with the files in Dropbox, you will always have the latest version online. Dropbox is free.
Designing a book: printing your book
You have put all your inspirations into your book and survived all the computer crashes, and then it is time to start printing your book. Doxzoo ensures that every book that is written gets suitable attention. Writing a book takes time and effort, so we provide that it is a professional end product that you can be proud of. Contact us for a consultation.
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