There’s a very good chance that during this unprecedented time of crisis, many of us are now self-isolating and trying to find ways to remain occupied while quarantined. For some, this is the perfect time to write that book you always wanted to, although make sure the work is your own!

If you do manage to finish that manuscript, then there’s the matter of traditional publishing versus self-publishing. It’s much easier these days to get your books printed rather than finding an agent, and editor, and a publisher. So let’s look at some of the benefits.
1. Follow your own timeline
The traditional publishing timeline takes an incredible level of patience. There could be months of querying agents, and if you find the right one, they then have to find you a publisher, which can take even longer. And even if a publishing house accepts your book, their timeline could be between one to three years. And no guarantee of a book deal.
You’d need thick skin too, to face all the rejection letters. Even J.K. Rowling was rejected dozens of times before finally getting published.
Self-publishing can get your book out there as soon as you want. While it’s not a good idea to get it published after the second draft, it can be motivating to know your timeline is months not years.
2. Control your story and platform
When you get picked up by a publishing house, you’re signing over the rights to your book. Their editor may make you change stuff you don’t want to change – including the title. When you hire your own editor, you have the freedom to decide where to draw the line. It is still your book.
3. Higher royalties
Publishing houses can take at least 85 per cent, and then your agent will get a chunk of what’s left. There can be other means of payment, like advances and flat rates, but in summary, you’re left with maybe about enough to pay rent.
Self-publishing means you’ll get a much better cut of the profits.
4. The time is right
We’re in an age where self-published books have a better chance than ever of making it big. Print-On-Demand services and free eBook distribution are plentiful. One in three ebooks sold on Amazon is self-published. You don’t even need to be in a bookstore to be successful.
People don’t care how a book is published, as long as the book is good. They certainly don’t care if it’s self-published or from a publishing house.
5. Either way, marketing is up to you
Publishing house or not, you’re still responsible for marketing your work. Sometimes a publishing house will help out with PR and reviews, but it can vary. It’s highly likely that you would need an in-depth marketing plan to impress a publisher anyway.
No matter what the medium, you need to research to figure out how to market your book as best as possible. The more you get exposure and reviews, the more you do giveaways and networking and interviews, the better your chances of selling a lot of copies.
Self-publishing does cost more money upfront. You’ll need to pay for your editor, for cover design, and other miscellaneous fees. But if writing truly is your passion then this shouldn’t matter. With Doxzoo you can get your first draft printed (and second, third…..) as the min quantity starts at just 1!
If you want to know more about our no nonsense book printing services, then get in touch today.
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