In 2017 alone, over one million books were self-published, and over half of the e-books published in 2018 came from self-published authors.

If you’re considering writing a book or starting a career as a writer, then you might be after some tips about what to do and what not to do when it comes to the publishing process. We have a brief guide to help you get started.
Don’t Attempt Your Own Cover Design
Self-publishing means that you are in control of the entire process, but it is still very important to get some help with certain aspects of publishing. Of course, the most important part is to write good and interesting content, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, but you also need to draw people in with an intriguing cover.
If you do not have any graphic design or visual art skills or experience, then you should leave the book cover to someone who has that experience in the field to create the cover that best captures your message.
Do Try to Create a Budget
As a newcomer to the publishing process, you might not be fully aware of all the costs involved, and particularly so when you self-publish.
It’s important to create a budget before starting the process so you know what you’re in for ahead of time. You’ll need to create a budget to include editing and marketing. You’ll also need to know the cost to print a book on your own.
Do Prepare to Promote
Many creative types find the act of self-promotion a little unsavoury, but it is an important aspect of the process to learn and master. If you have a publisher, they will develop a marketing plan to help get your book into the hands of readers.
Whether you’re self-publishing or have a publishing house to help you, it is still important to do the work to promote your book. Social media is the place to get potential readers excited about your book, as well as book reviews before publication.
Your book is your creation, and you should be proud of the work you’ve put in and the final product, so shout about it from the mountain tops!
Don’t Try to Edit Alone
It is essential to understand that you should not take on the editing process alone. Even if you have exemplary editing skills, it’s unlikely you’ll catch every mistake when you’ve read your manuscript so many times.
Getting help from a professional editor will ensure your book is free of grammatical errors. An editor can also help strengthen character and story development.
Don’t Forget About the Book Description
It can be overlooked by new authors, but an important part of publishing your book is to work hard on the book description – the blurb on the back. The cover art might have drawn in a potential reader, but it’s the description of the book that can make the sale.
A good description will draw in more readers, get them excited to read more of the story. Take the time to write something that will give readers insight into the story without giving away too much.
Everything You Should Know About Publishing a Book
When you’re interested in publishing a book there a few important tips you should know. Creating a budget before starting the process and promoting your book are important parts of the publishing journey.
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