With the end of September comes many things – the start of autumn, the climax to the cricket season, the switch-on of home central heating systems and, of course, the start of the university academic year.

For some, this is a time to take their first steps into a strange new world, leaving behind familiar faces and places to enter a distinctive new chapter in life. But while being a fresher is a scary yet exciting adventure, the final year brings its own hopes and fears.
The friends, places, staff and lecture theatres may all be familiar places, and indeed after months of online teaching it will feel great to be reacquainted with some of them, but the final year brings with it that scariest of all things – the dissertation.
It’s a key part of many people’s degrees, but it is also a daunting task. How, some will ask, can they write anything so long? Where will they find the research information? How long will that have to spend on it? What if the supervisor is difficult to deal with?
Apart from all this, the last part will be the need to get it printed and bound. Relax: With our presentation, printing and binding service, this will be one element you need not worry about.
This is just as well, because there will be lots of angst in the lead-up to the day the dissertation must be handed in – and almost nobody will be doing so early, except perhaps the recluse whose only aim in life is to get a first.
For the rest, that means a lot of frantic work in the latter stages, with a lack of sleep being a major factor. If you end up being one of these 24 hour coffee people, you’ll be in good company, but also feeling pretty alone as you have the nightmares of trying to hit the word count parameters and not write too much or too little, get the structure right, and include all the key points.
With all these things buzzing around n your head, the last thing you will want to do is be racing around at the last minute looking for a shop in the nearby town or city centre that undertakes print jobs, especially if everyone else is doing the same, their workload is high and the clock is ticking. By booking early, you can ensure everything is set up and organised for when the time comes.
Of course, the date when the dissertation should be handed in will be months away, so of course this is a step you should be taking now, alongside so much else that can help to ensure all is done in a timely manner, with the entire thing drafted in good time and then subject to nothing more than a few tweaks to make it perfect.
In reality, of course, student life is never like that and the unexpected does happen. But by taking care of the printing, you can at least ensure that whatever you end up submitting looks great, however frantic the work has been.
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