Print products are a sustainable medium, seamlessly integrating advanced printing techniques and resource-conserving processes. By considering print products holistically, their communicative impact is extended and enhanced. This piece explores how intelligent integration of bespoke print ideas and production strategies can elevate the sustainability of print as a communication medium.
From conceptualisation to material selection to production, we at Doxzoo are versed in creating environmentally conscious print products, exemplifying why sustainable printing is synonymous with audience-oriented customisation.
Foundations of Sustainable Product Design
1. Perfect Timing: Planning is Essential Before succumbing to initial creative brainstorming, establish a realistic timetable. This helps in setting incremental milestones to dictate the developmental process, keeping the deadline in sight. The thrill of beginning can fade when time is pressing, leading to rushed decisions and potential oversights. By allocating sufficient time for revisions, premature reproductions, which are regrettable due to both costs and inherent unsustainability, can be avoided.
2. Precision Selection: Identifying Right Recipients Sustainable print products must be tailored to their target audience. Irrelevant materials will have a short lifespan and won’t serve their purpose. Defining a clear, delineated pool of suitable recipients will increase your success rate and conserve resources.
3. Up-to-date: Longevity in Print Products Ensuring content and design are coherent is crucial. Hastily made design decisions and artificially inflated messages dilute the core message of your campaign. A print product’s sustainability is increased by its longevity, so consider omitting or externalising transient information.
4. Format Match: Concise and Relevant Content With decreasing customer attention spans, compact print products that offer concise presentations are more successful. Non-standard formats designed for optimal utilisation of the print sheet can reduce waste and, by capturing attention, can be more sustainable in the long run.
5. Resource Conservation: Sustainable Paper Choices Choosing eco-friendly paper is paramount. Recycled papers are environmentally superior, saving wood, water, energy, and reducing CO2 emissions.
6. Final Touches: Minimalist Refinements Each additional processing step increases energy and material consumption. Complex refinements should be considered prudently, depending on the longevity of the print product.
7. Adherence to Eco-friendly Processes Quality and sustainability are intertwined. Verifying the environmental commitments and certifications of your print shop ensures that the production is sustainable, efficient, and of high quality.
At Doxzoo, we harness renewable energies, ensuring that every aspect of our process is sustainable.
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