Heading to university for the first time or returning after your first year is an exciting time, with lots of social events to attend and the lure of fresher’s week.

However, for many returning final year students, now is the time to start thinking about your final year dissertation, whether that’s for an undergraduate degree, masters or a PhD. The sooner you start thinking about it, the easiest it will be, and we have some tips for you here to get you started.
1. Make a schedule
A schedule, complete with deadlines for the completion of each chapter or section will help you figure out how much you need to write each day, and help you develop a productive writing schedule. Choose the time of day that works best for you, whether you’re an early riser or a night owl, work the hours that will get the best writing out of you.
2. Just start writing
Once you have a plan of what you are going to write, then get started! It doesn’t get any easier the longer you wait, and procrastination can be your worst enemy, so get typing!
3. The first draft is not the final draft
Your dissertation is a huge project, and it is important to keep in mind that the first draft is not the final draft. The first draft doesn’t need absolute perfect grammar or your argument to be completely airtight. Rewriting and revising parts are crucial to the entire process. Refine your argument and your writing in subsequent drafts.
4. Write the introductions last
The introduction to your dissertation can be tricky, so skip it! Write the body of the first chapter first, and once you know just what you’re introducing, you will be able to gather your thoughts and write it better. You will likely want to revisit and revise it as you write more of the document.
5. Move around
If you find yourself struggling with a certain section or chapter, move on and come back to it later. If you have properly planned and outlined your argument and approach for the chapter, then you can skip a tricky part and use your time more efficiently to write the parts, and come back to it later.
6. Take care of yourself
Without a doubt, your dissertation is important, a culmination of years of study and hard work. However, it doesn’t mean you should let your physical and mental health slide. It is easier to wrote and get better work done when you’re in better mental and physical health. Eat healthily, and even a walk around the neighbourhood will help get your heart rate up and clear your mind.
7. Give yourself breaks
Once you’re in full flow, writing your dissertation can be a full-time job. But as with any full-time job, it is important to take breaks or you risk burning yourself out. Take breaks when you need a rest, and while you shouldn’t be afraid to say no to some social events, do take the opportunity to see friends and forget about your dissertation for a little while.
8. Use a reference manager
Dissertations have hundreds of references and you don’t want to be scrambling at the end to track them all down. Using a reference manager like Endnote or Zotero will help you keep track of all the papers and books you might need to cite and makes adding citations in any style easy.
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